Friday, July 12, 2013

Coming from a christian background and past, it only comes natural that you (have to?) deal with people of your past while being in transition who mean well, but don‘t know what they‘re talking about. One can‘t think badly of them, because they live in a world in which a transformation like mine - or people who feel the same way I do - is not ALLOWED to happen. I wrote some lines as a response to an email today that I want to publish here:

Please refrain from trying to talk me into things that I don‘t want to do. Deep inside me a decision was made which was long overdue. Why creation lets transsexuality happen I don‘t know and no one else seems to be able to answer that question just the same. It‘s just the way it is. Some religious groups leave the impression on me that they don‘t understand - or don‘t want to understand - what happens to someone like me, because the religious universe they live in can‘t be upheld the way they have  been doing so far - because the simple black and white answer times would be over, were they trying to cross the borderline of their horizons - were they trying tu feel and understand another point of view.
There seems to be great accumulated need in the religious field in my opinion where acceptance and love for individuality and being different in creation is concerned. Maybe because some religious people adhere to coercions, rules and morale or they are being made to follow that - and this forbids them to live their lives to the fullest, according to their talents, abilities and possibilities. Otherwise they would have the grandeur to let other people find their way to be happy without experiencing their own life plan as limiting or restricting. Funny enough christian talk a lot about the uniqueness of every part of creation and then they seem to be able to explain to those unique parts of creation to which values, morale and goals they need to set out for. This has always been a great disturbance for me listening to interpretations of religious groups, but nowadays even more so, and this is why it‘s hard for me to respect people that feel obligated to that point of view. The love inherent in creation and the love of the creator applies
to us transgender people in particular. For years we have been living in a world turned upside down. A world that didn‘t allow us to live according to our talents, emotions and feelings that would meet our true persona and our calling. On the one hand there is this enormous sadness about a lost female life unlived, on the other hand I‘m indefinitely thankful having realized the need for that step and having dared actually doing it.

Wherever you are, however you feel - you are not alone!

The chorus of that song asks you, to get a hold of your life -  instead of letting it slip away - and never let go again.
Big thanks to Udo Lindenberg and the Panikorchester.

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